From Hobby to Online Store: My Journey with Needle Felting

How it al began

In 2018, my adventure with needle felting began. I started making small needle felt mice, which instantly brought me so much joy. Creating these tiny works of art felt magical, and combining different techniques and materials quickly became a passion. My hobby desk soon overflowed, with needle felting becoming the central focus.

A difficult time

In 2023, I fell ill and suddenly found myself at home a lot. For someone like me, who loves to stay busy and active, it was a huge shock to come to such an abrupt halt. It was challenging to find a way to keep my mind occupied and use my (lack of) energy positively.

The healing power of felting

Needle felting turned out to be a lifeline. It was one of the few activities that wasn't too exhausting and helped me organize my thoughts and relax. Felting became a calming part of my daily routine, a creative escape where I could momentarily forget my worries.

The leap to Etsy

After much consideration (and a bad case of imposter syndrome) I decided to take the leap and opened my own Etsy shop. I vividly remember how surprised I was when I got to send my first little mouse to the United States. My first sale! It was an incredible feeling to know that someone on the other side of the world would hold my creation. Sharing my creativity with others gave me a new purpose and a deep sense of fulfillment.

From Etsy to my own online store

Despite the success on Etsy, I soon realized that the platform's high fees were cutting into my profits. I was selling quit a bit, but not making any money. I began to think about an alternative, a place where I could offer my creations and materials without the extra costs. This is how my own online store was born.

The success of Starter Kits

In the needle felting communities on Facebook, I discovered that many people struggled to start with needle felting because they used the wrong materials. Or they were looking for guidance to begin this hobby. The variety of wools, needles, and materials can be overwhelming. This inspired me to put together starter kits that contain the right wool and needles, ensuring beginners could have a successful experience from the start.

Needle felting has not only rekindled my creativity but also helped me through tough times. Sharing this passion with others through my online store is one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. I hope I can inspire and help others discover and follow their own creative paths.

Thank you for reading my story. I look forward to sharing my love for needle felting with you and hope my products and kits bring you as much joy as they have brought me.

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